Melancholisch, düster, wundervoll: Adna – Overthinking & Thoughts.

Die schwedische Sängerin Adna habe ich dir bereits vor über zwei Jahren im Rahmen meiner  Playlist-Reihe Mixahulababy vorgestellt.

Ihr drittes Album Closure erscheint in wenigen Wochen am St. Patrick’s Day (17. März). Hier sind die beiden großartigen Songs Overthinking und Thoughts.


„I believe we all have a dark place inside of us. Some more aware of it than others, and we all have our own way of dealing with it. I tried embracing mine, which led to finding a home within it, but also of course – the making of this record.

“Overthinking” was written about a year ago in some kind of apathy state of mind, inspired by that time and all about the contrasts. “


„I wrote this when I was 16 as some kind of declaration of love to the place where I have my roots. Despite all the sorrow and the melancholy, it’s the most beautiful place I know about. And I wanted to make this song again, because it feels important to also see and think of the beauty in the things that otherwise are shown as something sorrowfully.“ (via)

