Mitten in der Nacht ist dieser Rohdiamant von einem Song im Heimstudio von Tessa Rose Jackson aka Someone entstanden. Nur knappe fünf Stunden brauchte die Niederländerin für Forget Forgive. Das Ergebnis ist laut Jackson eine Art Seelenstriptease, vergleichbar mit einer öffentlichen Lesung des privaten Tagebuchs.
‚Forget Forgive‘ is the most personal track I’ve written so far. Playing the song to other people actually always feels a bit icky, like reading an excerpt from my diary out in public. It’s super naked. It’s a really intimate lyric about battling some pretty nasty demons and, in overcoming them, figuring out the kind of person you want to be. I wrote and recorded it all in one night (between the hours of 11PM and 4AM) in my home studio in Amsterdam. Some songs take ages to fine-tune and hone, but this one felt like I was just solidifying a strain of thought that had been flowing around inside my head for ages.