Am 7. April, eine Woche vor Karfreitag, erscheint das neue Album von Timber Timbre, Sincerely, Future Pollution.
Hier ist das düstere Video zu Sewer Blues, denn es ist Zeit für die Ballade vom stinkenden Abwasserkanal, jetzt wo der Rinnstein überläuft mit Scheiße.
Das sagt zumindest Taylor Kirk: „2016 was a very difficult year to observe. I hate to admit that normally I express more sensitivity than concern politically, but I think the tone and result on the record is utter chaos and confusion.
When we were recording, the premonition was that the presidential campaign was still an elaborate hoax. But the mockery made of that system spawned a lot of dark, dystopic thoughts and ideas. And then it all happened, while everyone was on Instagram. The sewers overflowed.”