Century Palm – King Of John St.

Wenn ich das richtig verstehe, dann handelt es sich bei Century Palm um eine recht frische Post-Punk-Formation aus Toronto in Kanada. Das im März via Deranged Records erscheinende Debütalbum wird Meet You heißen. Hier ist der vielversprechende Vorbote King of John St.

“King Of John St.” is about moving to the city only to be surrounded by sacred giants — buildings, people, ideas, history — and struggling with the realization that individuality does not count for much. After moving to Toronto from a smaller music scene in Alberta, I walked up and down John Street every day for a couple years, under the CN tower, feeling completely isolated and anonymous, and kind of giving up on myself for a bit. This song is about trying to shake out of a very specific kind of rut in a big city, and coming to terms with how small you are in comparison.

