Damien Jurado: neuer (alter) Song ‘Lincoln’

Im April erscheint In The Shape Of A Storm, das neue Album von Damien Jurado. Aufgenommen wurde es in nur zwei Stunden. Da verwundert es nicht weiter, dass sich die Instrumentierung auf Akustikgitarre und Gesang beschränkt.

Lincoln ist genau wie South ein spartanisches, aber dennoch berührendes Stück. Der Song ist bereits zwanzig Jahre alt und sollte eigentlich auf dem dritten Album Ghost Of David erscheinen.

“Lincoln,” written in 1998, was originally slated for my third album not yet titled, Ghost of David. I had 13 songs recorded for the album onto a newly purchased digital 8-track machine. And, when the day came to mix the finished album, an error done on my part was made, erasing everything. Now under a deadline with the label to turn in a new album, I came up with the bright idea to scrap every song I had written for the album, and start anew. All original material was written, and then recorded in a period of less than a week for Ghost of David. Years later, I would come across the only recorded demo I had made for the original album on a cassette. This song was “Lincoln”. Over the years I considered “Lincoln” for many of my albums, but the song just couldn’t find the proper place to land. That was until I went in to record my latest album, In the Shape of a Storm. It felt not only fitting to put it on the record, but to have it be the opening song.



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