links for 2010-01-13

  • Owen Pallett recently dropped his Final Fantasy moniker, yes, and it makes sense beyond the copyright infringement stuff: If you created an album as beautifully, ambitiously satisfying as Heartland (out now on Domino) you'd want to take credit for it, too.
  • "It's night and day now. Everyone is working as a group, 'Let's do it! Go team!'. Which is amazing. Which is what I wanted since day one. But that's only happening now. Literally now. We split the money six ways, but we didn’t split the work."
  • DIY war ja mal eine Gegenbewegung zu einer herrschenden Meinung, inzwischen bist du ja gezwungen dich permanent selber zu erfinden, das ist ja ein gesellschaftlicher Imperativ. Insofern hat sich das, was mal DIY war, ja nahezu pervertiert und ist zu etwas geworden, was permanent von dir verlangt wird und auch zu Überforderung führt.
