MP3: Johnny Foreigner – Gratis Remix-EP


Als kleinen Appetitanreger auf ihr kommendes Album „Grace and the Bigger Picture“ schenken uns die Indierocker aus Birmingham eine kostenlose Remix-EP mit 7 Stücken der neuen Platte.

The ‘gin dagger cite her bar cut’ EP is available from and contains remixes of 7 tracks from the band’s forthcoming album, as reworked by the likes of Los Campesinos!, Sky Larkin, Internet Forever, Response and the band themselves. ”

Full tracklisting:
1. Security to the Promenade – Napoleon IIIrd Remix
2. More Tongue, Less Heart – Response’s Cycle Mix
3. I’llChooseMySideAndShutUpAlright – (Sky Larkin) Coati Remix
4. Choose Your Side And Shut Up – JOCKS Cover and Run Remix
5. Criminals – Los Campesinos! Remix
6. Feels Like Summer – Internet Forever Remix
7. More Heart, Less Tongue – Johnny Foreigner Remix

All files are hi-quality 320kps MP3s.“

Johnny Foreigner – gin dagger cite her bar cut EP

via @aufeinneues

Foto: nailest
