Das ist in der Tat eine sehr lustige Idee und sehr amüsant zu lesen. Ein 13-jähriger, der mit iPod und digitaler Musik aufgewachsen ist, testet einen Walkman.
My dad had told me it was the iPod of its day. He had told me it was big, but I hadn’t realised he meant THAT big. It was the size of a small book. When I saw it for the first time, its colour also struck me. Nowadays gadgets come in a rainbow of colours but this was only one shade – a bland grey. So it’s not exactly the most aesthetically pleasing choice of music player. If I was browsing in a shop maybe I would have chosen something else.
From a practical point of view, the Walkman is rather cumbersome, and it is certainly not pocket-sized, unless you have large pockets. It comes with a handy belt clip screwed on to the back, yet the weight of the unit is enough to haul down a low-slung pair of combats.
BBC: Giving up my iPod for a Walkman
Mein erster Walkman war übrigens ein von meiner Schwester geliehener von Aiwa. Den habe ich mir immer für das samstägliche Rasenmähen geborgt.
via Nerdcore
Foto: Moff
A What-man? 13-jähriger testet Walkman http://tinyurl.com/n2e8sb (via nicorola)
A What-man? #Walkman http://bit.ly/P2Eim
A What-man? #Walkman http://bit.ly/P2Eim
A What-man? #Walkman http://bit.ly/P2Eim
A What-man? #Walkman http://bit.ly/P2Eim
A What-man? #Walkman http://bit.ly/P2Eim
A What-man? #Walkman http://bit.ly/P2Eim
A What-man? #Walkman http://bit.ly/P2Eim
13-jähriger testet Walkman. http://bit.ly/x4xAK
A What-man? 13-jähriger testet Walkman http://tinyurl.com/n2e8sb
Das stimmt mich irgendwie sehr wunderlich das es schon eine Generation gibt die nicht weiß was eine Kassette ist. Ich meine man hatte ja geahnt das es so was gibt, aber dann so schnell?
Ich fühle mich so alt…