Forebear – Delroy Lindo

Wenn ich daran denke, dass die Band Forebear aus Los Angeles kommt, dann kann ich mir nur schwer vorstellen, wie sie diesen melancholischen Folk-Sound hinbekommen. Aber ich werde mich nur aufgrund meiner eingeschränkten Einbildungskraft nicht der Schönheit dieses Songs verschließen.

Die Single Delroy Lindo stammt vom kommenden Album Good God, welches die Band Ende Mai auf ihren Shows zum Verkauf anbieten wird. An den Reglern saß Eric Lilavois, der auch schnon für Atlas Genius und Saint Motel tätig war.

you got caught in the misanthropic
nihilistic way of interacting with
human nature’s nomenclature

day to day we avoid the topic
who of us is bold enough to call it quits

you are toxic
pack your boxes quick
before one of us changes their mind again

i want you but in lieu of conversation
i’ll try to break the silence with a sweet-tooth
teasing your neck
it won’t do you’re the loneliest of nations
I have ever served
I swore I swore

skinny chap i’m no delroy lindo
domineering speeches from the driver’s seat
just listen to me when
i speak clearly in
the tone that makes you forget who i really am

i want you but you gave into someone else
who sees through your affectionate rage
you have a need to be held without holding back
to be seen without saving face

i want you but in lieu of conversation
i’ll try to break the silence with a sweet-tooth
teasing your neck
it won’t do you’re the loneliest of nations
I have ever served
I swore I swore

i want you but in lieu of conversation
try to break the silence with a sweet-tooth
teasing your neck
it won’t do you’re the loneliest of nations
I have ever served
I swore to protect


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