Lucy Dacus – I Don’t Wanna Be Funny Anymore

Vor ein paar Tagen ist das Debütalbum No Burden von Lucy Dacus erschienen. Die Songwriterin kommt aus Richmond in Virginia und klingt tatsächlich wie eine junge Courtney Barnett, was du im Song I Don’t Wanna Be Funny Anymore nachhören kannst.

Zum Inhalt des Songs sagte Lucy Dacus zu THE FADER: “[…] how stressful it is to be pegged as a certain type of person and feel the need to always live up to that identity people assign to you, especially if you’re the ‘funny one’. You can’t always be jolly or vivacious or clever or positive, but when people expect that from you, you don’t wanna let them down.”

I don’t wanna be funny anymore.
I got a too short skirt, maybe I can be the cute one.
Is there room in the band? I don’t need to be the front man.
If not, then I’ll be the biggest fan.

Bandcamp, Facebook


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