MP3 der Woche – Royal Bangs

Die Royal Bangs kommen mit einem neuen Album um die Ecke. “Flux Outside” wird das neue Werk heißen und Ende März erscheinen. Für mich völlig unerwartet und daher umso erfreulicher.

ROYAL BANGS are proud to announce the completion of their new studio album, Flux Outside, for release on Glassnote Records. The album will have a North American release of March 29, 2011. Trading instruments and production duties, band members Chris Rusk, Ryan Schaefer and Sam Stratton recorded the album this August in an old house in their hometown of Knoxville, Tennessee with the help of Scott Minor (Sparklehorse) and his dog, Loretta. After a few weeks of tracking, manipulating, alternately weirding and un-weirding the material, they traveled to the rural western New York studio of Dave Fridmann (Flaming Lips, Sleater Kinney, MGMT), who mixed the album with the band. (via)

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