Undergrünnen – Blokkunge

Undergrünnen aus Norwegen. Kreuzen einfach Krautrock mit Punk und Sixties und heraus kommt einer der treibendsten Songs des Herbstes.

Und wenn hier und da einmal der Takt ein wenig ins Stolpern gerät, dann macht das den Song nur noch sympathischer.

Undergrünnen haben übrigens eine interessante Entstehungsgeschichte:

In spring 2014 Per Steinar Lie (of The Low Frequency in Stereo) received a call from Haugesund prison, Norway. They needed a band to play for the inmates at very short notice or more specifically, the very next day. The only problem was that only one other member of The Low Frequency in Stereo (Ørjan Haaland) was in town. However, Pål Jackman (of Wunderkammer) had just moved back to town so Steinar Lie decided to give him a call. The next day the three of them set up their equipment at the prison, and without a single rehearsal or any clear idea of ​​what might happen next, they performed on stage in front of the inmates of Haugesund prison and thus Undergrünnen was born.


Undergrünnen: Facebook