Waterstrider – Nowhere Now. Luftige Frühlingsnummer.

Bei Waterstrider handelt es sich um ein Quintett aus Oakland. Ihr neues Album Nowhere Now erscheint am 6. April via Bandcamp. Beim Titelsong, welchen ich euch hier präsentiere, handelt es sich um eine herrlich luftige, von Percussion getriebene Frühlings-Nummer, welche nach knapp dreieinhalb Minuten (zu einer Zeit also, wo die meisten Songs zuende sind) noch einmal richtig Fahrt aufnimmt.

Take the train from San Francisco to Oakland. Walk through the parks and by the lake, the places where the turbulence of city life blurs into the serenity of redwood groves and peaceful birdsong. There you will find Waterstrider. Woven through with pop sensibilities, their songs are imbued with a sense of environment, with a weight and a presence that ushers you into the little worlds they create.

Waterstrider, now a rumbling and thundering five-piece, is led by Nate Salman, whose transfixing falsetto is at the core of the band’s sound – it rides atop a tidal wave of booming toms and congas, twists itself around guitar licks and then rises, alone, to new heights. (via)


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