1000 Musiker spielen “Learn To Fly” und bitten die Foo Fighters um ein Konzert.

Das ist verdammt grandios. Was macht man heutzutage, wenn die absolute Lieblingsband seit fast 20 Jahren nicht mehr in der Gegend gespielt hat? Man startet eine Crowdfunding-Kampagne, sammelt 44.000 Euro und spielt mit insgesamt 1000 Musikern aus ganz Italien einen Song der Foo Fighters.

Hier der Aufruf des Initiators:

I guess that this video is gonna be seen by a huge amount of people all over the world. But to be true, it’s being conceived to be addressed just to five people: so Chris, Pat, Nate, Taylor and Dave Grohl, the Foo Fighters. 

You know, Italy is a country were dreams cannot easily come true, but it’s a land of passion and creativity. So what we did and here it’s just a huge, huge miracle, and I’m working on this fucking project for more than one year, waking up every morning thinking about how to make it real. And this is all that we got. 1000 people, 1000 rockers, that came from all over the nation at their own expenses and they just did it for one song – your song.

So, our call is to ask you, to the Foo Fighters, to come and play for us. Come and play here, give a concert to all of us in Cesena.

Wie gesagt: großartig! Ich hoffe, Dave Grohl und seine Jungs sehen das.

via: Dressed Like Machines & Time


Die Foo Fighters haben reagiert. “Wir sehen uns bald, Cesena… xxx David”


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