Links vom 22.01.2009

  • From A Weekend Musician, To Making $4.2 Million… By Giving Music Away Free
    Here’s yet another one for the books to respond to those who claim that music giveaways only work for “big” artists. Corey Smith was a high school teacher, doing weekend music gigs. Then, apparently, his manager had a revelation and started giving all of his music away for free: and last year Corey brought in $4.2 million. And the music industry is complaining that if the government doesn’t step in creative content will cease to exist?
  • Den Silberling wieder zum Glänzen bringen: IFPI Offensive für die Musik-CD
    “Die Scheibe ist eine Welt”, “Musik. All Inclusive” und “Prädikat: besonders hörvoll”. Plakate mit diesen Botschaften sind der Auftakt einer Kampagne über die Vorteile der Musik-CD, dem nach wie vor umsatzstärksten Tonträger. Online-Werbung und Handels-Promotion ergänzen die Kampagne. Initiator ist die IFPI Austria, das Kampagnen-Konzept stammt von der Werbeagentur Die Goldkinder.
  • More Details On Isle of Man’s Music Tax Idea: One Euro Per Year
    Let’s take that a step further: why should the government get involved at all? If the record labels are interested in developing some sort of blanket licensing system, let them do it, and figure out how to collect and redistribute the fees. Of course, they’ve shown little interest in voluntary systems, preferring to go directly to ISPs or to universities. Currently governments, ISPs and universities don’t force people to buy CDs; they shouldn’t start forcing them to pay for music downloads either.