Neuer Song von Frightened Rabbit – Death Dream

Ich bin gerade viel zu fahrig, um selber etwas zu schreiben, deswegen lasse ich Frightened Rabbit selbst zu Wort kommen und zitiere einfach aus der E-Mail, die mich gerade erreichte:

„It’s been over three years since we released Pedestrian Verse (I know, lazy bastards, eh?) and we now find ourselves edging closer to bringing you our new album, Painting Of A Panic Attack. After the PV tour wrapped up in early 2014, we spent the following 18 months writing and recording in various rooms until we distilled it all into the 12 songs which make up the album.

In truth, it’s not been a lazy time at all. We ended up with about 30 demos to choose from, having spent our time thrashing out ideas in Glasgow, Monmouth, Conwy, Los Angeles and New York. Recording began in earnest last summer at Dreamland Studios near Woodstock, with Aaron Dessner on production duties, and the entire process only came to a close about a month ago. It’s hard to let go sometimes…

This is the start of letting go. We’re incredibly excited to give you the first listen to track one from Painting Of A Panic Attack. The song is called Death Dream. It seemed like an appropriate place to begin, as it was from this song that the album title was taken. The title, as with the song, is intended as a beautiful depiction of something horrific. The kind of thing you can’t stop looking at, or perhaps listening to, even though it’s rather painful at times. I’ll leave it at that for now. Go and listen, then we can have a proper chat about it afterwards.“

Laut iTunes erscheint Painting Of A Panic Attack am 8. April. Hier ist der erste Song Death Dream.

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  1. Avatar von madlen

    youtube hat es auch schon:

    1. Avatar von Nico

      Danke! Bei Soundcloud war es auch schon seit 8 (!) Stunden, ich hatte ihn schlicht übersehen. Und, wie findest du den Song?

      1. Avatar von madlen

        ich bin jetzt sehr gespannt und vorfreudig auf’s album. und eigentlich hatte mich der song schon bevor der gesang überhaupt einsetzte. großartig.

        1. Avatar von Nico

          Geht mir genauso. Aber: der Song ist auch ohne rosa Brille großartig 🙂