Video: Spoon – „Nobody Gets Me But You“

Ich bin ja mit dem aktuellen Werk „Transference“ nie so recht warm geworden. So sehr ich den Vorgänger liebe, so wenig finde ich Zugang zu diesem sperrigen Album voller Songskizzen. Dabei sind Songs wie „The Mystery Zone“ oder das fragile „Nobody Gets Me But You“ in ihrer reduzierten Unfertigkeit verdammt großartig. Letzterer Song hat jetzt ein Video spendiert bekommen, und auch wenn ich die Quelle nicht gefunden habe, schreibt die Band angeblich dies:

It was pretty easy really. I went to see Eddie Current play at the Cake Shop in New York this past summer and there was this amazing security camera-type shot of the stage that was played behind the bar. The bar’s on the same floor as the stage but it’s so narrow in there and it was so crowded that the security cam was how a lot of people ended up watching the show.
I was watching it there about half the time. Anyway it looked amazing. I don’t know why. So my idea was to just record us doing a show at the Cake Shop on that camera and save it as a document. I got talked into using more cameras but we rented some that were like the one at the Cake Shop. We shot it at noon and just let anybody in who wanted to come. Nice afternoon in New York City.

